Pay Attention to The Gate Valve Openings, Don’t Get Turbulence!
Valve or what is commonly called a valve is a device that is useful for regulating, directing or controlling a fluid flow. Valves are usually used in water pipes or water taps that are operated manually or automatically. Valves that are operated manually, usually use a handle or lever. If the valve is used in an automatic manner using the principle of changing flow, pressure and temperature can affect the diaphragm, spring or piston. This will activate the valve automatically.
One type of valve that is often used for piping systems is a Gate Valve. Gate Valve is a type of valve that functions to open the flow of water by working to lift a round or rectangular closing gate. Although it functions to open the flow of water, the Gate Valve does not function to regulate the size of a water or fluid flow. Gate Valve must be opened properly (fully open) and / or completely closed (fully close). If the Gate Valve is only open half or a quarter position it will cause turbulence (turbulent flow) in the connected flow. Some of the consequences that occur during turbulence on the Gate Valve:
The occurrence of erosion of the corners at the Gate.
Fluid flow that experiences turbulence can erode the gate corners, causing erosion and the valve can not work properly.
There was a change in the position of the holder on the gate closing holder.
There will be a swing at the closing gate which affects the seat. This causes the seat to change position, so that when the valve closes, the closing gate will not be in the right position. This will eventually lead to passing.
There are three types of Gate Valves that can be used according to the required flow pressure. Types of Gate Valve are: Rising Stem Gate Valve, a valve that when operated by the handwheel rises and the stem also rises. Non Rising Stem Gate Valve, a valve that is fixed when the handwheel is operated and the stem is also fixed. Outside Screw & Yoke Gate Valve, the valve which is fixed if the handwheel is operated but the stem will rise.
Rising Stem Gate Valve and Non Rising Stem Gate Valve types are suitable for pressures that are not too high but are not suitable for vibration. While the Outside Screw & Yoke Gate Valve is suitable for high pressure. Gate valve with the type of Outside Screw & Yoke Gate Valve is commonly used in oil fields, high fields, and high temperatures. Therefore, the Outside Screw & Yoke Gate Valve Stem can be used as a sign when the stem is rising or falling. For example, when the stem is high, it indicates the valve position is fully open.