
Privacy Policy

Vinilon Group/Vinilon recognizes the importance of Your personal data as defined in Law Number 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data (“Personal Data“) and takes any measures to protect its confidentiality. To obtain and maintain the customer’s trust, Vinilon will comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to Personal Data, in accordance with the Privacy Policy as follows:

Collection of Personal Data

In order to provide the best service to You, Vinilon will collect Personal Data including but not limited to:

  1. Your basic information, i.e. full name, email address, residential address, telephone number, date of birth;
  2. The information that is attached to you while you are accessing Vinilon’s website; and
  3. Any information on the device you use to access Vinilon’s website (depending on the permissions that you grant).

Vinilon reserves the right to periodically verify the Personal Data that You provided by sending a verification letter or email, requiring You to submit supporting documentation or any other way deemed appropriate.

Management and Personal Data Protection

You hereby agree that your Personal Data may be shared with responsible person in charge (internal), affiliates, and/or vendors of Vinilon (“Personal Data Controller“) for processing purposes that may be required in the maintenance and performance of Vinilon’s service duties and responsibilities, in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. In the event that Vinilon needs to use a third party/vendor to handle the management of Personal Data, the said vendor will be selected based on the results of appropriate verification which the management and security of Personal Data will be included in the scope of work of such vendor.

The Use of Personal Data

Vinilon may use Your Personal Data collected by Vinilon under this Privacy Policy for the following activities:

  1. Sending You news and information concerning Vinilon’s services and communicating with You regarding products, services, promotions, and updates offered by Vinilon;
  2. Improving Vinilon’s products, services, or the site; and
  3. Responding to your questions and comments regarding Vinilon’s products or services.

Vinilon will send You a notification by email or other form of notification in connection with point 1 above. If you prefer not to receive such notices, you may contact Vinilon through the procedures in this Privacy Policy.

Providing of Personal Data

Vinilon will not disclose or provide your Personal Data to any party other than this Privacy Policy without your written consent. This is excluded if such Personal Data must be disclosed under applicable legal provisions or based on orders of the court or government institution.

Retention and Deletion of Personal Data

To the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, Vinilon will retain Personal Data for the required period to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. This is excluded if You submit  a request to delete Personal Data for specific reasonable reasons.

Corporate Compliance Maintenance

Vinilon will ensure that the Personal Data Controller and all its employees are aware of the importance of protecting Your Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy and maintain the implementation of internal policies to protect such Personal Data.

Applicable Law

Any reference to applicable laws and regulations under this Privacy Policy shall be construed in accordance with the provisions contained under the laws and regulations of the Republic of Indonesia.

Suppose some of the provisions of this Privacy Policy are declared null and void as contradicting applicable law or declared by a court to be legally binding. In that case, such invalidity will not invalidate other provisions, and this Privacy Policy will still be implemented.

Inquiries and Complaints

Direct inquiries regarding Personal Data can be sent via email to or visit https://vinilon.com/hubungi-kami/.