Important Stages in the Plumbing System
Infrastructure engineering related to water flow components is usually known as the plumbing system. An important element that must be considered when building a property is the element of water flow. This is because the flow of water is related to water as one of the basic human needs.
A number of quite complex principles apply in the application of plumbing systems in building construction. Because it is one of the most important elements in a building, it’s good if we know the basic methods or stages of plumbing installation.
Knowledge of the stages in this plumbing installation serves so that you can understand knowledge about the plumbing system more broadly. By knowing the important stages in the plumbing system, it will be easier for us to detect if there are deficiencies or damage to the plumbing system in a house or building. Especially for a contractor, this knowledge is important to know because it relates to building construction.
Important Stages in Plumbing Installation
In order for the needs of the occupants of the house or building above water to be sufficiently met, the method of installing plumbing must be carried out systematically. Here are some important steps that must be known in plumbing installations:
1. Clean Water Installation
Reporting from, the first thing you need to know before installing clean water is a plumbing plan and an isometric diagram. Plumbing plans and isometric diagrams are needed to determine the pipe installation paths that will be installed later.
Pipe installation must be done after the bricks have been installed, but before plastering and plastering. This is done in order to avoid sleep that causes cracks in the wall. Meanwhile, for pipes that are installed outside the building, it is better to install them after the plastering work is finished.
Prior to casting, piping must be done first. Pipes that pass through concrete slabs, beams, or columns must also be installed sparingly. If you have positioned the pipe correctly, it should immediately be closed with a plug. The cover plug must also be firmly attached to prevent dirt from entering which can cause blockages.
For pipes that will be placed in the bathroom, their position must conform to sanitary items. For the placement of the installation plan, it must be done at the intersection of the ceramic grout so that it is symmetrical with the area of the ceramic.
If the installation has been completed, don’t forget to do a pressure test on the pipe.
2. Dirty Water Installation
As with clean water installations, in dirty water installations, the first thing you should know is the installation plan and pipe isometric diagram. However, in dirty water installations, you also need to know the disposal path. Make sure you don’t have too many branches, Sobat Vini. Too many branches will bother you in the working session.
You also have to make sure that the pipe fittings are securely attached. Installation of joints between pipes must be very tight. In the case of water used for bathing and washing, it is necessary to install a hole at a certain point to manage the washing (management tank). You should also install a filter in the drain.
You also need spars for the concrete plan and the thickness of the concrete (above the slab = 25 cm, below the slab = 15 cm). The sparring position must be adjusted according to the type of sanitary equipment (if sanitary equipment is specified). Barrier systems can be used if sanitary conditions are not specified. The saver cleaner must be installed together with the saver cabinet (if equipped). Place the saver cleaner next to or near the saver cupboard. Its function is to clean the toilet when it is clogged.
Fan outs are installed only when there are multiple branches with drainage through the shaft in the wastewater system. This is done to reduce the air pressure in the pipe when the closet is filled with large amounts of water. The placement of the floor drain should also be placed away from the door and close to the bathtub.