  • 8 AUGUST 2019
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Vinilon Won TheSuperbrand Award 2019

Superbrands is an independent international scale institution that has become a symbol of prestige for various brands in the world for the public’s appreciation of its sales and after-sales products and services.

The consumer survey was carried out extensively by AC Nielsen by taking samples from six cities in Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Semarang, Medan, and Makassar to represent 20 million people who come from the middle and upper socioeconomic classes. There are five indicators used as references in the assessment of the award, namely market dominance, longevity, goodwill, consumer loyalty, and overall market acceptance.

This award further strengthens the Vinilon Group’s position as the best plastic pipe manufacturer in Indonesia. Vinilon Group is committed to increasingly providing the best service for all its customers.