Vinilon Trainer Award 2023
In organizational management, both companies and institutions, training and development of human resources (HR) is one of the many things that are very important to pay attention to. This is because organizations – which in the context of this article are companies – always need human resources with competent skills in their fields to increase profits and always support companies to continue to expand.
HR development can be realized in a series of structured and systematic activities, for example training. Training is considered as one of the media that is quite effective for improving employee abilities and skills, not only revolves around competence, but can also have an impact on productivity, discipline, attitude, and work ethic.
Vinilon Group is well aware of the importance of HR development in organizational management. So as a form of this awareness, the Vinilon Group always conducts various internal and external training programs for its employees.
In internal training, the Vinilon Group conducts training in various matters ranging from product knowledge, technical and competency training, to soft skills training such as leadership, communication skills, and others. This training is carried out consistently at certain times. The training was filled by trainers who are also employees of the Vinilon Group.
Vinilon Trainer Award
Some time ago, trainers who have dedicated themselves by sharing knowledge and expertise to employees, received appreciation at an event entitled the Vinilon Trainer Awards.
In the event, Vinilon Group chose three favorite trainers based on the highest evaluation scores. The value of this evaluation is obtained from an assessment questionnaire that is distributed to the training participants after the training session ends. This means that the selection of these three trainers was indirectly chosen by the participants, which consisted of all Vinilon Group employees.
The three winners of the 2023 Vinilon Trainer Awards are Uza Sefridinata from the Project Sales Division, Noor Widi from the Industrial Building Project Division, and Puryuliatno from the Manufacture Division. The three winners are entitled to receive prizes, one of which is cash from the company.
By holding the Vinilon Trainer Awards as an event for trainer appreciation, according to Gabrielle Easter as Project Officer of the Vinilon Trainer Awards, it is hoped that trainers will continue to be motivated in serving and educating Vinilon Group employees.
“In addition, so that employees want to share knowledge so that all can develop together through the knowledge shared,” said Gabby.