  • 17 SEPTEMBER 2021
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    • CSR

Vinilon Group Hold Covid-19 Vaccination Center to Realize Herd Immunity

On September 15, 2021, Vinilon Group held a Covid-19 Vaccination Center to be precise at the Mojokerto factory in collaboration with Kodam V Brawijaya and Puskesmas Ds. Japanan as an effort to establish Herd Immunity for the people of Mojokerto.

The total vaccination dose for 1,000 people and the type of Covid-19 vaccine that Azstrazeneca gave to employees of PT Vinilon Jaya Sakti and the general public in Japanan village.

The vaccination process was directly reviewed by the Mojokerto Police Chief AKBP Rofiq Ripto Himawan, S.I.K., S.H., M.H. accompanying the Military Commander V Brawijaya, Major General TNI Suharyanto, S.Sos., M.M. and also attended by Danrem 082/CPYJ Colonel Inf M. Dariyanto and members of the TNI-Polri Mojokerto Raya and attended by Mr. Suherman Sarkawi as Director of the Vinilon Group.