  • 10 NOVEMBER 2020
  • |
    • VGTC

Vinilon Goes To Campus 4.0

Vinilon Goes To Campus is a routine activity of Vinilon Group which has been held for more than three years. The conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic that has hit Indonesia since March 2020 have not dampened Vinilon Group’s enthusiasm to continue carrying out these vocational activities. By utilizing digital technology, Vinilon Group has changed the Vinilon Goes To Campus format, which has been done face-to-face, into an online format, which is named “Vinilon Goes To Campus (VGTC) 4.0”.

The first VGTC 4.0 took place in May 2020 and was attended by President University students, the second VGTC 4.0 was attended by National Builders University (UPN-Veteran) students from Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and Surabaya, the third VGTC 4.0 was attended by Mercu Buana University students, and the fourth VGTC 4.0 followed by National University students.

To support the best VGTC 4.0 results, Vinilon Group presents speakers who are competent in their fields to share knowledge about products that are presented directly by the Vinilon Group Product Team and knowledge about tips for applying for jobs that are delivered directly by the Vinilon Group Recruitment Team. In that regard, Vinilon Group also collaborated with the Green Building Council Indonesia to present a knowledge-sharing session on the green building which was delivered directly by Mr. Iwan Prijanto as Chairperson of the Green Building Council Indonesia.

Student interest in VGTC 4.0 activities is very high. This can be seen from the average number of participants who reached 200 students in each event, as well as the enthusiasm of students in the Q&A session.

Vinilon Group hopes that through this VGTC 4.0 activity, Vinilon Group can continue to share knowledge and experiences to contribute to building the nation’s superior next generation. Vinilon from Indonesia, for Indonesia.