  • 28 AUGUST 2020
  • |
    • CSR

Vinilon Cares about Covid-19 Prevention

Vinilon Group has been carrying out “Vinilon Peduli” Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020.

The form of “Vinilon Peduli” CSR includes donating hundreds of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for health workers to several hospitals in Jabodetabek, such as Vania Hospital in Bogor. Besides, Vinilon Peduli also distributed food for a whole month to hundreds of online motorcycle drivers who were significantly affected by this pandemic.

Furthermore, Vinilon Group is also motivated to innovate to create the “Vinilon Divider” product, a multi-functional dividing partition to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in public spaces, and to donate this product to public areas, government agencies, schools and houses of worship since June 2020. Vinilon Group hopes through “Vinilon Peduli” can donate more Vinilon Divider products to other public facilities so it can help reduce the number of Covid-19 cases in the country and continue to contribute in advancing Indonesia. Vinilon Group, from Indonesia, for Indonesia.