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  • 4 AUGUST 2022
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Put These Ornamental Plants To Make Your Kitchen More Beautiful!


To make the atmosphere of the room always looks beautiful, adding plants in the room can be one of the right choices. Placing ornamental plants in the house does not always dwell in the living room, family room, or bedroom. The kitchen can also be a suitable place to put ornamental plants.

Placing ornamental plants in the kitchen is not only useful as a room decoration, but also functions in cleaning the air in the kitchen. Several types of ornamental plants can also be used as spices and complementary cooking. However, choosing ornamental plants to complement the kitchen cannot be done randomly.

Several Choices Of Plants To Beautify Your Kitchen.

Sobat Yuta should choose ornamental plants that are easy to care for and do not need to be in the sun all the time. The following are recommendations for ornamental plants that are suitable for placing in your kitchen:

1. Betel Ivory

Betel Ivory is one of the ornamental plants that contain many benefits. Based on NASA research, reported by Kompas.com, the Betel Ivory plant is able to clean the air of pollutants. This plant is also recommended for its popularity and ease of care.

2. Lily Paris

Paris Lilies are very suitable to be used as ornamental plants in the kitchen because of their fresh colors. In addition, the Lily Paris plant or also known as the Spider Plant is able to become a natural air purifier because it can remove odors, smoke, and pollutants.

3. Rosemary

Rosemary is known as a beautiful and fragrant plant. This plant can also be used as a cooking spice and its flowers are known to be delicious. However, if you don’t like rosemary, you can consider planting oregano or thyme

4. Cilantro or Coriander

Coriander plants are commonly used as ornamental plants that are placed on the windowsill. Besides being beautiful, this plant can be used as a kitchen spice and decoration for dishes