Peresmian Depo RJS di Bandung
  • 10 OCTOBER 2022
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Depot Inauguration of PT. Retail Jaya Sakti in Bandung

Vinilon Group inaugurated the newest Depot belonging to PT. Retail Jaya Sakti in Bandung on Monday, October 10, 2022. The inauguration ceremony was held at the newest depot owned by PT. Jaya Sakti Retail, which is located at De Primaterra Warehouse, Jl. Raya Sapan, Bandung, was inaugurated directly by Mr. Sandy Susanto as CEO of Vinilon Group. The inauguration ceremony was attended by the internal team from PT. Retail Jaya Sakti with a series of events in the form of cutting ribbons and cutting cones as a symbol of handing over responsibility for the development of Retail Jaya Sakti (RJS) in the future.


This depot which was inaugurated is the sixth depot owned by PT. RJS. As a distribution company that sells products from the Vinilon Group, this sixth depot belonging to RJS can make it easier for consumers to get the various Vinilon Group products they need. Not only for consumers, for distributors as well, the construction of this new depot can also be useful to further build the existing cooperation in terms of the distribution of Vinilon Group products to meet the needs of consumers in the Bandung area and its surroundings.


At this latest depot which was inaugurated, PT. RJS stores and sells various products from the Vinilon Group such as Nusantara products, Yuta Indonesia, and KITZ. Mr. Sandy Susanto himself hoped that, with the inauguration of the sixth Depo belonging to PT. With this RJS, Vinilon Group can continue to grow and meet the demands and needs of the market at large. He also hopes to absorb human resources as workers who are full of responsibility and honesty at work. Not only that, he also hopes for more advanced technological developments to create effectiveness and efficiency in building the next RJS Depot. In the future, Vinilon Group will continue to develop RJS Depots for potential areas, especially on the islands of Sumatra and Java.