  • 26 FEBRUARY 2019
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CSR Desa Kiarasari, Bogor

End of October 2018 Vinilon Group conducts CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility activities by donating PE and Water Meter pipes from Yuta to Kiarasari villagers in Bogor. According to the team that has examined the area, some residents from Kiarasari village have not yet obtained a source of clean water because the water supply system has not been arranged.

With the new system using PE Vinilon pipes and Yuta Water Meters, it is expected that all residents in Kiarasari village can enjoy clean water sources to improve the health quality of all residents.

The Vinilon Group Team is represented by Marketing Manager Mr. Bertony and Dept. Head of MCP, mother Vina Julita, provided information about the new product and system to be used in the village. Vinilon Group also toured the Kiarasari village environment and also the reservoir, which will later be used as a holding center for new clean water irrigation systems.

Vinilon group also distributes merchandise to villagers. The residents were very enthusiastic and thanked Vinilon Group for the assistance they had given.