  • 1 MARCH 2022
  • |
    • CSR


Jakarta, March 2022. Vinilon Group through Bhakti Vinilon for the Nation helps handle Covid-19 cases through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) budget (14/3). Assistance in the form of a Yuta faucet to promote hand washing was given to SMAN 65 schools through Bhakti Vinilon for the Country, a charity founded by the Vinilon Group.

This donation is intended to support face-to-face learning activities by following the health protocol to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus during the teaching and learning process. In addition to providing Yuta brand faucets, Vinilon Group through Bhakti Vinilon for the Country also provided written counseling by providing posters on how to wash hands properly in school areas and hand washing areas.

This activity was certainly welcomed by the Principal of SMAN 65. This donation was considered right on target and needed, considering that during the pandemic, schools were required to have hand washing facilities as one of the requirements for implementing face-to-face learning.


“I really appreciate the sharing of faucets for schools like this. I hope that face-to-face teaching and learning activities will run smoothly according to health protocols,” said Atik, Principal of SMAN 65 during the handover ceremony for the donation.

Head of Bhakti Vinilon for the Country, Jennyfer Alexander Khouwry said that there will be a series of humanitarian activities that will be carried out in 2022 as a form of Vinilon’s concern for society and the environment. Jennyfer added that this activity is certainly in line with the company’s vision to contribute to Indonesia.


To note, Bhakti Vinilon for the Nation is part of the Vinilon Group as a form of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility activities for the community.