Merunut Sejarah dan Asal Muasal Pipa
  • 28 JULI 2022
  • |
    • PIPE

The History and The Origin of the Pipe

Cylindrical and a superior product for Indonesian piping systems? What else you could remember other than Vinilon Group’s pipe product! Sobat Vini surely knows how pipes and pipe systems affect human’s life, right?

Just like the veins and arteries in human blood vessels that circulate blood from one organ to another, the pipe also has a crucial role in the passage of life for various creatures. If there are no pipes, there will be no flow to support the water needs of life. However, do you know the history of the pipes and piping systems?

The History of The Pipe

According to the history – reported by idpipe.com, piping has been used around 3000 BC by the Chinese people. They used piping for the first time for agricultural irrigation needs. Meanwhile, in archaeological research, pipes with flanges have been found in 2700 BC.

Residents in northern India known as the “Indus Valley” are also famous for assembling the piping system in the 2500 BC era. However at that time, the pipes used for water flow were still made of wood and bamboo.

The ancient Egyptians also succeeded in bringing water from the Nile to their farms. In 150 BC, the inhabitants of Rome were recorded as having succeeded in building a piping system for people’s houses to make fountains in the middle of the city.

The pipe products continue to develop along with the development of technology systems. From pipe materials that were originally only made of wood, now there are various types of pipes with materials that are easier to find and more cost efficient. The development of the piping world has triggered the enthusiasm and dedication of Vinilon Group to continue exploring innovation in the piping system to meet customer needs so that they can continue to contribute to the development of Indonesia.