  • 16 JULY 2021
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YUTA Resilient Valve

Valve is a device for regulating, directing or controlling the flow of fluid (gas, liquid or fluidized solids) by opening, closing, reducing or increasing the flow. In the open valve, the water flow is regulated from high pressure to low pressure.


In an industry, especially those engaged in liquid processing, of course it has a piping system that functions as a place for liquid to flow. Each series of pipes must have a tool that is used to regulate the amount of flow so that the processing process can be in accordance with the specified. Therefore, the piping system is no stranger to a tools called a valve.


In the process of distributing water to infrastructure projects, buildings and housing, a resilient valve is needed. Vinilon Group as a manufacturer and distributor of the most complete and best piping system solution products in Indonesia has a Yuta Resilient Valve that can meet your needs. Yuta Resistant Valve serves to open and close the flow of water or fluid flowing in the pipe. This tool also has advantages, that is zero leakage because the disc is made of rubber,  high quality, low maintenance, and proven to be more durable and leak resistant. This Yuta Resistant Valve can be used in water distribution installations in various infrastructure.