Vinilon Group x Jayabaya
  • 21 OCTOBER 2022
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Vinilon Group Collaboration with Universitas Jayabaya

University is a repository for intellectuals who are required to always be able to innovate and synergize with various parties, in order to produce a superior generation who can become the nation’s successors. As a manufacturing company originating from Indonesia and the pride of the nation, Vinilon Group strives to carry out various collaborations with various universities to produce a generation of intelligent and quality nations.


To support this goal, Vinilon Group together with Jayabaya University signed a collaboration entitled  Kemitraan Dalam Kegiatan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. The signing of the memorandum of cooperation between Vinilon Group and Jayabaya University which was carried out on Friday, October 21, 2022, is a concrete manifestation of Vinilon Group’s effort to build the nation through the education sector. This collaboration will be established in the form of work practices, field visits, and guest lectures.


This collaboration is carried out to improve the abilities and skills of all university parties, both students, lecturers, and education staff in applying the knowledge gained in college so as to produce professional graduates with integrity and knowledge who are able to provide quality services.


The collaboration that has been established between Vinilon Group and universities is expected to be in line with the nation’s goals to produce the next generation that is superior, strong, and flexible!