Sertifikasi Produk, Pentingkah
  • 30 JULY 2022
  • |
    • PIPE

Product Certification, Is It Important?

There are so many products on the market at the moment. The more products in the market, product standardization becomes something that should be done. Product certification itself is an activity of assessing product conformity to the requirements specified in SNI. This assessment is carried out through a series of audits, tests, and inspections by an accredited authorized institution.

How Important is Certification for a Product?

Products that are not standardized are less likely to be chosen by the market. The government in particular, is obliged to enforce certain standards for the purpose of protecting the public interest. Standardization is useful to provide guarantees for customers related to the quality of their products. If the product has been standardized, it means that the product has met the requirement as promised and could increase the level of consumer confidence. In addition, standardization also protects consumers from low quality products.

Sobat Vini shouldn’t be worried about products from Vinilon, because it already has various complete certifications. Mainly for uPVC pipe products; PE; and accessories, the certifications obtained are SNI, JIS, LEMIGAS, OHSAS 18001, SPLN, SIRIM QAS International, CIQS 2000, TELKOM, and ISO 9001:2008 certifications. Vinilon also includes the time and date of production for each product. This method is to create an easier method for the company team to inspect the performance of their products on the market. If you buy a product from Vinilon, you don’t have to think twice about the standards of conformity and quality of Vinilon products.