Maintaining Post-Pandemic Sanitary Habits
At the end of 2022, President Joko Widodo revoked the policy of imposing restrictions on community activities (PPKM). This was done on the basis of the consideration that the daily cases of covid in Indonesia have been under control at a low level in the last few months. Even so, we must maintain good habits while PPKM is still in progress, one of which is the clean habit of washing hands regularly.
At the beginning of 2020, the public was shocked by the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus which is the source of the COVID-19 problem, which then caused the world to be in a pandemic status. At that time, the world was simultaneously quiet. Various levels of society are focused on competing to avoid these invisible creatures with extraordinary impacts.
At that time, the Government Spokesman for Handling COVID-19, Prof. Wiku Adisasmito said that human behavior is one of the many important factors in determining the magnitude of disease transmission. Along with this, the World Health Organization (WHO) also provides recommendations for public behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic, one of which is the clean tradition of diligently washing hands with soap and running water.
In fact, washing hands is the simplest form of sanitation as well as clean and healthy living habits. By maintaining good sanitation habits, it will undoubtedly create an improved level of public health. In the future, with good sanitary conditions, we can reduce the potential for transmission of diseases such as the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the future.
Consistent and Commitment for Sanitary Habits
Even though the President has revoked PPKM and we are no longer in a pandemic status, however, we must maintain this sanitation habit for the common good. According to the Lecturer of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Gajah Mada University (UGM), Prof. apt Edy Meiyanto, M.Sc., Ph.D., as reported by, consistency and commitment are needed to maintain sanitation habits, for the sake of a better life together. Therefore, people from various walks of life need to continue to develop activities for sanitation with various programs and activities that are sustainable.
Yuta Indonesia Launches New Sanitary Product, Yuta Luxe
While maintaining good hygiene and sanitation habits, Yuta Indonesia launched the latest sanitary products to support people’s clean habits. Yuta Indonesia, which is a sub-brand of the Vinilon Group, a piping system manufacturer and distributor, is fully aware of the sanitation needs of the community and the demand for sanitary products with aesthetic designs for the community itself.
The reason is, to maintain post-pandemic clean and sanitation habits, the community not only needs consistency in carrying it out, but also needs quality supporting products, one of which is quality sanitary products with good durability and attractive and elegant designs.
Yuta Luxe comes with sanitary products that prioritize quality and aesthetics. Yuta Luxe is also a sanitary product with the only product that accepts the color Anthracite Grey, a color produced by the process of burning steel without being coated with any other finish.
According to Sandy Susanto as the CEO of the Vinilon Group, the natural finishing of Yuta Luxe’s sanitary products will ensure product quality is guaranteed.
“Even from the finishing, we choose a finish that is not something that is common on the market. Sanitary, if we look at it, is the most common chrome finish. Because this (Yuta Luxe) is indeed a natural finish, so in terms of strength it is definitely better than just plating,” he said.
Not only that, Sandy also revealed that mechanical function is something that needs to be underlined to support quality sanitary products in order to continue to consistently carry out good habits in terms of post-pandemic sanitation.
“What’s important about the Sanitary function is the mechanical function in it. So the valve used is like the metal, the seat holder must refer to the standard to ensure that it all functions. Yuta Luxe has implemented that standard, even tried the open-close test at least 1 million times. So there is an endurance test. 1 million times.”