Collaborating with Rumah Sosial Kutub, Vinilon Group Distributes One Thousand Food Aid
In collaboration with the Rumah Sosial Kutub, on Wednesday (6/10), Vinilon Group distributed 1,000 food packages for the poor and residents affected by Covid-19. This special assistance provided in the context of Vinilon Group’s 42nd anniversary was held in Limusnunggal Village, Cileungsi, West Java.
This activity was certainly welcomed by local residents. This assistance in the form of food packages is considered very well targeted, especially considering that since the presence of the pandemic many residents have found it difficult to meet their daily needs. Besides being well received by the surrounding community, this activity also received attention and appreciation from the Regent of Bogor, Ade Munawaroh Yasin.
“I really appreciate the activity of sharing 1,000 food aid packages for the community like this, I hope that this form of collaboration will inspire a lot of other companies, to do positive things and have an impact on the community,” said the woman who is now the number one person. in Bogor Regency.
Vinilon Group CEO, Sandy Susanto also said that their activities are of course very in line with the vision of the company they lead. Moreover, after working for more than forty years, the most comprehensive and best piping company in Indonesia also wants to always make a real contribution to the community.
“During 42 years of work, of course we are not only committed to continuing to provide solutions, innovations, and also quality that continues to be improved. But in line with all of this, we also want to continue to build awareness in other forms, such as sharing with people in need. We hope that Vinilon Group can optimize its service to the country,” he arrived when opening the event while inaugurating the Vinilon Bhakti ceremonial for the country.
To note, Bhakti Vinilon for the Nation is the tagline for Vinilon Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities which were launched in conjunction with the momentum of its 42nd anniversary. Vinilon Group itself trusts Rumah Sosial Kutub as a collaboration partner in carrying out distribution activities from Bhakti Vinilon for the country for the first time.
The Executive Director of the Rumah Sosial Kutub, Suhito, welcomed the trust given by the Vinilon Group. Of course, with this trust, the Rumah Sosial Kutub will convey the mandate to the right and needy people. Because so far the Rumah Sosial Kutub has not only focused on managing Zakat, Infaq, and Alms, but has also been actively trusted to manage CSR in the form of social programs and community empowerment.
“We really appreciate the trust given by the Vinilon Group. Especially with the current conditions, there are still many people who are struggling. For this reason, very strong collaboration is needed so that we and the country’s economy can bounce back. Alhamdulillah, Vinilon has responded very well to this. We believe this is all thanks to a real concern from a company that is not only focused on increasing its production but also does not forget to provide benefits to the community at large, “said Suhito, who is also the pioneer of this used cooking oil alms program.